I had a renewal notice for CRB... but it was sent to my trash can and not my inbox. So now to renew is 10x more expensive and Im not sure it's possible for me to do so at the moment.
I've been so busy recently that I just cannot really give it the time the site needs.. and this kind of upsets me. I've been working on CRB for many years now.. it grew out of my admiration for Jeff and my love for Pearl Jam which is stronger than ever. This band mean the world to me.. and I will always think that Jeff is the dog's bollocks (I live in London, I can say that!).
I don't want to think that this is the end... I hope it isn't. Keep your eyes peeled.. If i can bring CRB back, I will.
i'm so sorry *hugs* :( if i could possibly help you out i would :(
i'm sure everyone really apreaciates all the work you've done on this site over the years though. we could always set up a msn/yahoo free community or something? i know it would be nothing on this, but it would be something
Hey Laura, Long time no chat... Forgive me, I've been meaning to write to you for a while but time constraints have stopped me, plus I felt a little awkward since I didn't know what your webpage/Internet status was.
I'm really sorry to hear that CRB is in limbo right now... I've always loved and appreciated the site, but obviously since you're the mastermind behind it all, your "real life" priorities and abilities should always take precedence over it and from what I recall you telling me, you seem to be very busy with a lot of other stuff... Of course, the fate of the site is totally up to you, and I support you in whatever choice you make to that ends since CRB wouldn't exist if it weren't for you, and because you've always been one of the classiest people I've met (on the 'Net or otherwise). So, I can't/won't tell you what to do, although I must confess that I think keeping CRB around in some form -- be it even as simple as just using this Message Board -- would be great. I figured something had come up in terms of money and renewal issues when I could no longer get into the ".com" page, but I don't think any of us expect you to start financing CRB like mad out of your own pocket (again, it's all about priorities here), but as giventofly said, might moving to a free site or back to the old angelfire page be an option? In terms of the amount of time you can devote to the site, as I was saying, we all understand you have priorities, just as any of us visitors to your site have priorities, so however you want to manage things is up to you. Thanks hugely for all the effort through the years. It's been a blast being "welcomed into" and sometimes contributing to the page and our little Jeff fan community.