Hey everybody! first of all, Jeff ament is the best bass player in the world. I just wanted to see if we could start a thread on this site and see how many replies we get. So if you wanna try to make history, reply and sign your name!
Get lost in the music. That's what it's all about.
There are obviously bassplayers that are better than Jeff. Being a bass player myself, I have been listening to so many of them and yes, truth is truth. But yet again, how does one define who is best? We'd have to come up with some sort of basic technics on which to compare them. (And again, only musicians would be able to "judge" of his performance and they wouldn't). At the end, everyone wins or rather, nobody looses. Artists are not sport athletes nor competitors (if only in record sales...). And artists aren't doing what they do to get medals either. And what about the man himself? Jeff doesn't try in any way to be known as a Stu Hamm, Billy Sheean, Flea, Entwistle, Caron or Patitucci, an acrobat of the bass. He's not a technician, he's a musician, an artist. And we all love him for that. Who's the best novelist? Who's the best painter? Who's the "best"? When you're in the major leagues, all this doesn't matter.
Then what I am doing on this board if Jeff isn't "the best"? Jeff is the best in my own little bubble. No musician-bassplayer have inspired me like he has done. No music has ever vibed deeper in my soul than his, his artwork contributing to it too. No musician ever remained on my soul's "top of the list" for that long, that's more than twelve years now.
Sorry Given To Fly, for the kinda preachy tone. Nobody's ruining anything to my opinion. Jeff doesn't need mushy praise (on his musicianship, worth as an artist ...or his looks or ego),or even this board, he's a stand-alone guy who does fabulous work, and for us to sit back and enjoy and grow by. This website and message board is a salute to his work and to him as a beautiful individual. Anyone who just comes in even just to read is that, a salute. That's why I come here too.
i wasn't serious kaddi!! sorry if i gave the wrong impression there...
i completely agree. i'm sure there are many technically better bass players than jeff out there. however, personally i prefer jeff's style of playing and the music he creates therefore for *me* he is the best. he's also the person who inspired me to play myself so i'm very grateful.
I wanna thank everybody who is keeping up with this attempt. Earlier, when I created this post and said that Jeff is the best ever, I meant that he inspires me and my style of bass playing. I relate to Jeff alot in many ways. Wanna hear some Ironic things? We are both graphic design majors, we both play bass, and we hafe the same birth month (and not to mention, both of our first names start with a "J"). Haha, just thought Id let you know. But Jeff is really a talented bass player and an artist at the same time.
....... thanks for your replies!
Get lost in the music. That's what it's all about.
So, how many bassplayers is there on this board? KyBassPlayer Joe is one, Psycosmic, Given To Fly and myself monoxyde, wait, Psycosmic is a guitar player, right?... Well, then, how many musician is there? More then I tought. So, if you don't mind, to those of you who will add to this thread, it'd be cool if you told which instrument you play, if you play one.
This is Joe again... the guys who started this thread. I just wanted to see how far it has come. Only 13 replies? thats kinda weak! 120 plus views but only 13 replies? Man, Jeff would be dissapointed. Nah I'm just kidden. thanks for everybody who has helped and lets keep it goin!!!!
"Keep Original Music Alive, and dont forget about Real rock and roll"
Get lost in the music. That's what it's all about.
Whaddya know?!... This surpassed the "Three Fish" thread!
I guess it's about time I contribute to the festivities!
I have to agree with what's been said by Monoxyde and others earlier on in the thread (though I admit my "judgment" of bass players' technical abilities is limited, as I don't "understand" music per se, from a musician's standpoint, nor can I play an instrument myself)... Still, like a lot of you have been saying, it's fairly obvious that Jeff wasn't hugely blessed with out-of-this-world technical ability, but rather, he does what he does phenomenally well and is who he is, and nothing else. And much like Monoxyde was saying, for me, personally, he is the best bass player in the world, #1 in my heart always, my favourite musician, and just a total inspiration for me on a lot of levels. He's absolutely wonderful.